藤澤研究室 プロジェクト研究概要


研究代表者:山口大学時間学研究所 藤澤 健太







 太陽の8倍を超える大きな質量を持つ恒星(Cep A HW2)が形成される様子を観測し、星の周囲にあるガス円盤が回転しつつ星に向かって落下している様子を世界で初めて見出しました。また、ガス円盤中で生じる爆発的現象(G33.64-0.21)を発見しました。









Fujisawa Laboratory

Research Project Brief

Project title: Development of VLBI observation networks in East Asia and study of circulation of cosmic matter (2011-2013)

Researcher: Kenta FUJISAWA, the Research Institute for Time Studies, Yamaguchi University

(1)Background of the Research

In the universe, a variety of dynamic phenomena such as the birth of stars from compressed interstellar gas or the high-speed release of hot gas from around black holes can be observed. These phenomena can be viewed, in the long run, as a part of the circulation of cosmic matter and, in a sense, of cosmic evolution. However, the basic mechanisms of such dynamic phenomena still remain a mystery, for stars and black holes are just small objects when it comes to celestial bodies, thus making them difficult to observe.

(2)Research Goal

We aim to discern the mechanisms through observations of interstellar gas flowing into, and emitting from, astronomical objects (stars, black holes). To achieve this, we will use Yamaguchi University’s large, 32-m radio telescope to conduct long-term observations. Furthermore, by organizing collaborations between Yamaguchi University and other research institutes from Japan, South Korea and China, we will build radio astronomy observation networks in the East Asia region (East Asia VLBI network) to conduct observations at a higher spatial resolution.


・Star formation

We observed the formation of the star (Cep A HW2) which had a mass as much as eight times as the sun and, in the process, observed an event which saw a spinning disk of gas that had previously surrounded the star descend toward the star, a world-first observation. Moreover, we detected the burst (G G33.64-0.21) which occurred inside the gas disk.

・Black hole

We discovered that the magnetic field strength of the black hole (PKS1510-089), an astronomical object which emits jets that are as almost fast as light, fluctuated significantly within a short time span of only 20 days. We assume that there is a relationship between this short-term fluctuation and emissions of types of high-energy radiation such as gamma rays.

・International collaboration

We invited researchers from China, South Korea and Taiwan and held an international symposium on December 17, 2011.

(4)Creation of Global Researchers from Yamaguchi University

One of the key components of this project is to facilitate collaborations with research institutes in South Korea, China and other Eastern Asian countries as well as working together with researchers from other countries/regions including Taiwan, Australia, the United States, Europe and Peru. Through this project, in which young researchers and students of Yamaguchi University are actively involved, invitations are made to overseas researches to make observation trips or to attend international research conferences. Fostering young people of Yamaguchi University to become researchers who will lead studies for the future of Japan and that are on a global scale is also one of the goals of this project.